Tuesday 17 April 2012

What is the best price for the Xbox 360 (250GB) with Kinect?

I really want to get an Xbox 360 and Kinect, but I need to know which is the best price! Will the kinect system still work with the white Xbox? Is GameStop the best place to buy this stuff? Thanks. :)

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Nicole: I would go to a gamestop or the mall but today cuz they r having a sale for the xbox and kinect together for 200$ cuz its black friday. That’s as cheap as it will ever go. Usually its about 400-600 dollars depending where u get it.

William: From my research this is the best price for the 250Gb bundle:


Game-stop is good but I prefer amazon. And it Kinect would not work with models before the PRO.

Xbox 360 Coupon Code
I wanna buy a game player.so i wanna know which one is the best?and how much a xbox 360 and ps3 cost?

Online Coupons

draculynz: Both are great unit, the question is which you like most… But i suggest xbox 360 with kinect $ 200+ kinect is one of the latest tech. Most important is it make you happy.

themarthian: It really depends on what kind of games you play and what you want out of it.
The PS3 I hear is a pretty good media player, and has Bluray built into it, so save yourself some money and not have to buy a Bluray player. However it is more expensive.
The Xbox 360 has some unique games like Halo, but no bluray player, but it is cheaper.

I think it just comes down to the games you want to play.

dinkar: XBOX’s failer rate is high and PS3′ online cost is free .
Buy a PS3.No doubt XBOX has some good titles that are not on the ps3 like gears of war, left 4 dead , halo and loads more.And even XBOX has a better CONTROLLER than a PS3 has.
But PS3 have more exclusive titles that are amazing.The PS3 has better games and their exclusives blow any xbox exclusives out of the water. PS3 has Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, inFamous, God of War 3 and Metal Gear Solid 4. The PlayStation network is free compared to a fee of Xbox Live.
PS3 is the best system out right now and it’s a Sony product, what more do you need to know? Better quality, better games, better graphics, lasts longer, free online play and it’s a blu-ray player .
PS3 realy rules:)


Bill Song: I would get a PS3.

Live costs I believe $ 8.00/mo whereas PS3 is free as long as you have internet capabilities. Also, PS3 has WiFi built into it.

- Better Graphics [Minimal difference]
- PS3 has much better library of games.
- The online community is older – though don’t expect to not run into any douche bags.
- PS3 has Blu-ray built in.
- [Personal Opinion] the PS3 Slim is more aesthetically pleasing than any 360. I’d have to say Wii takes 1st place in this department though.
- Less cheating
- PS3 does not have a rewards system in place
- Has a smaller online community [In the United States]

Though, I’m going to probably buy the 4G 360 when I get the money.

and the cost depends on where u live…

I am planning on buyin an xbox 360 and want to know where i can get the best price for it….Also i am wondering what you guy’s opinion are on the games, which are the best which ones are over rated. Things like this

thanks for your help

Xbox 360 Slim Price

columbianmadog: Best buy
Gears of war & Halo3(when it comes out)

yader s: best buy maybe i dont know look online

Brice N: ebay

Zak n: eBay or Amazon would be the best
But if you dont wanna buy off eBay. Somewhere like
-Dick Smiths
-E.B Games (Kinda Rip-Off)
-Big W

(I hope your in Australia :P )

And its best to get the bundle pack, you pay $ 100(au) and you get, 2 Wireless Controllors, 60G Hard Drive, 2 Games and Something Else

Grand Theft Auto IV (When its Released)

Gears of War (Released)

Eshan30: First of all, congrats for buying xbox 360. It is the most wanted gaming console today (also ps3 of course).

Well i donno where the cheapest accessories can b purchased….definitely try google search.

As far games are concerned…..Need For Speed:Carbon, Ridge Racer, Quake 4(i m doubtful about it), Toca Driver. But the game which is best for this high-end console is “Test Drive Unlimited”. U must buy it even if u dont buy other games!! Thats all from me.

Keep Gaming!!!!….

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