Wednesday 29 July 2020

Would you mind a short Question?

Hi Kayleigh,
My name is Lucie Bennett, I'm the Chief Nutritionist over at Fitnazz.
I'm getting in touch because I really liked your article (this one: Weight Loss from Kayleigh Louise: 2010).
I also noticed that in your article you link out to a page from for the purpose of referencing Benefits of Exercise.

We've just published the Biggest List on the Internet for the "Benefits of Exercise".

If you check it out, I hope you'll find that our post is -

 - Most Comprehensive
 - Includes Research Based New Facts
 - Every Fact linking out to Trusted Source
 - Visually Appealing
 - Provides Reader with a free implementable Guide
So I was thinking that my post might make a great addition to your article and something your readers would love to see!
If you were willing to add a link to our post, I'd be more than happy to give your piece a shout out to our sizable social audiences & email list too for some exposure to your site.
Here is the link for your review:

Let me know what you think and keep up the awesome job on your site!


Lucie Bennett
Chief Nutritionist @
No Nonsense Fitness Advice

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